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Maroc is a genuine outdoor cannabis strain specifically bred to obtain a resinous version, close to its original ancestors. By crossbreeding with an Auto NL and stabilizing over several generations Female Seeds has preserved that unique Ketama smell and reduced the flowering time significantly. Flowering starts as early as mid-July depending on your latitude.
Buds are large, long and slender with an open structure that allows each part of the plant to to take best advantage of light. This bud structure allows the plant to deal with mould issues. This makes the buds cover in great amounts of thricomes.The Moroccan genes also make them naturally resistant to moulds and fungus, although breeders suggest to be careful when growing in very humid climates.
The Maroc has an amazing root development. Even with little water around it will still develop roots incredibly fast penetrating the soil deeper and deeper in the quest for water. For the best results, the Female Seeds experts suggest to plant this strain either outdoors or in a greenhouse.
It is important to keep in mind that in order to get its original taste you would have to grow it in the Ketama region. But both European and North American growers can expect excellent aromatic buds, an early harvest.
Its inviting earthy and floral aromatic flavor together with its abundant trichome formation make this a very appealing and unique strain.
Fundamental parameters
Information about the origin and the life cycles of plants
Where to buy seeds

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