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Californian Orange
Californian Orange is a genuine old school classic available only from Dutch Passion. It is a 50% indica and 50% sativa hybrid that dates back to 1980s and since then it has only ever been inbred. The genetics come from an exceptional Californian strain.
The plants are usually 1.2–2m tall and with a normal calyx/leaf ratio. Some of the plants have a pronounced citrus flavor and fragrance making this an appealing variety.
Californian Orange is a strong and stable strain with high levels of resin production even on the leaves. Sometimes the original classic strains such as Californian Orange retain a loyal following many years after they were released, despite all the exciting new strains and modern hybrids that come along. In the case of Californian Orange it is the old-style freshness and quite unique orange smells and flavors. This is a high quality, traditional Californian beauty that dates back to the hippy era. An exceptional strain when it was released and still a sought-after variety today.
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Information about the origin and the life cycles of plants
Where to buy seeds
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