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Cannabis Extractions


MedicalSeedS is a cannabis seed bank from Barcelona with more than ten years of experience in the industry.

Along with the commercialization of marijuana seeds for recreational use, they are fully dedicated to promoting the potential therapeutic aspects of marijuana. Unlike other seed banks they encourage the responsible use of marijuana and inform their clients on the many therapeutic aspects of the plant. MedicalSeedS also collaborates with many institutions and companies dedicated to the development of various cannabis products and cannabis extractions.

Through hard work and extensive research they have published a book that compiles all the information and experience gained throughout the years. 

The book is the first publication of its kind in the world, a step-by-step manual on the therapeutic, mechanical and chemical extraction processes of cannabis.

"Cannabis Extractions" by Javier Ruano and Jak de Sostoa is a fresh and informative publication that documents the authors' professional experiences in the world of extractions. In a clear and eloquent manner and with the help of over 400 colored photographs, the book shows the current methods of extractions. The book is written in English and Spanish, and the information is organized in three distinct groups: Therapeutic Extractions, Mechanical Extractions and Chemical Extractions, making it an excellent visual guide and reference manual for the most experienced as well as brand new extract enthusiasts.
