Cannabinoids – CBC
CBC or cannabichromene is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and one of the four cannabinoids that form from CGBA (cannabigerolic acid) – the other three being much more famous THC and CBD, and less known CBG.
Cannabichromene is usually present in low levels (less than one percent) and it has not been a subject to thorough research – yet.
CBC Is Different
What we know so far is that CBC’s actions seemingly exclude the well-known cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 (unlike actions of THC and CBD), which indicates that this cannabinoid has other pathways and reactions with our body.
Medical Qualities
Despite lack of research and unknown methods of action, cannabichromene seems to be potentially helpful in a number of diseases.
Animal studies have indicated that it has anti-inflammatory, antidepressant and antibacterial effects (same as CBD), works as pain reliever (not as strong as THC though, but it seems to enhance the analgesic effects of THC).
What is also interesting, CBC’s acid form – CBCA – exerts, unlike any other cannabinoid, antifungal effects. And last but not least, a study from 2013 suggests that cannabichromene stimulates the bone growth and has positive impact on neurogenesis.