Cannapedia Encyclopedia of cannabis strains

How To Know if Your Cannabis Seeds Are Good or Bad

The quality of cannabis seeds can dramatically impact the end result of your growing operation. Quality seeds offer much higher chances of big yields and healthy plants, whereas poor-quality seeds might not even germinate.

Before you start your next grow, make sure you get marijuana seeds from a reputable seed bank. This will help you to avoid low-quality seeds and disappointing results.

Below, examine the key factors to consider when shopping for cannabis seeds. The more your seeds match these criteria, the more likely your plants will prosper.


Cannabis seeds can exhibit various shades of brown, yellow, gold, and even green. And, while healthy seeds can display a lot of diversity in appearance, there are a few colours you should look to avoid.

Healthy seeds typically have a pale brown colour, along with patches of darker browns and blacks. This gives rise to a “tortoiseshell” or “tiger stripe” pattern. Premium seeds also boast a waxy, reflective sheen that makes them appear younger and more vital.

Some cannabis seeds bear a green or white appearance. Often, these specimens are the result of early harvesting; they didn’t get the chance to mature fully. These seeds are immature and, although in some cases they’ll germinate, have a low success rate.

Older cannabis seeds look slightly withered, dried, and crumbly. They lose their waxy sheen and appear more wrinkled. In extreme cases, they become completely black. Much like immature seeds, seeds that are too old have passed their prime and offer low germination rates and less-vital plants.

Size and Shape

Healthy cannabis seeds also vary in size and shape. This trait fluctuates depending on the genetics of the strain. Some seeds are much smaller and oblong, whereas others are larger and more spherical. Regardless, both can still produce high-quality and vigorous plants.

Overall, size and shape offer quite a poor indicator of cannabis seed quality, especially compared to colour and feel.


Healthy cannabis seeds are firm and strong to the touch. When you place them between your thumb and index finger, they shouldn’t yield to any amount of pressure that you apply.

Immature seeds will likely deform under your digits because of their high water content and lack of structure. In contrast, older cannabis seeds will crumble under only slight pressure and become dust.


The origin of your cannabis seeds is a major determinant of their quality. Starting with cannabis seeds from an unknown bag of weed is like playing a game of roulette. While you might strike gold, chances are you’ll be growing mid-grade cannabis at best.

We recommend purchasing seeds from reputable seed banks. Here, you can read in-depth reviews from other growers and gather information on what effects, tastes, and yields to expect. Plus, professional seed banks go to great efforts to offer high germination rates and premium-quality seeds.

Does It Float?

The “float test” can also offer insight into the quality of a cannabis seed. Place your seeds into a glass of water and leave them there for a couple of hours. Seeds that sink are more likely to germinate and produce better-quality plants as opposed to those that remain on the surface.


Ultimately, the most surefire way to determine the genetic quality of any seed is simply to germinate them. Those of poor quality won’t even put out shoots. Mid-grade seeds will germinate after a prolonged period of time. The best genetics will produce a taproot within a matter of days.

Early Stages of Growth

Going forward, you can determine the quality of your plant over the next few weeks. Healthy seedlings will produce dark green “true” leaves and display impressive turgidity. Of course, they’ll need good lighting and high-quality soil to achieve their full potential.

To know more about what to do before you grow quality seeds you can visit the source of this content.